how to truly give to charity, how do you know where you money is going? what is the best way? let's all make a difference.


I hear a lot of people complaining about a lot of things, but one of the ones they seem to constantly complain about is rubbish, left on the beach, around town, in the park.  We all expect someone else to do something about it, during the holidays I had the privilege of my beautiful granddaughters in my presence, they were no different in their attitude ("look at all this rubbish, SOMEBODY should do something about it").  So we decided WE would do something about it.

After a few trips down the beach exploring it became very apparent that the rubbish was becoming a massive issue on our beautiful beach.  Those that know me, know that our beach is magnificent and often isolated, however, after each long weekend, or after any floods there is so much rubbish lying around, that doesn't (and can't) break down.

There are a lot of people in our town that give money regularly to charity, usually because they have been signed up, under pressure, to a direct debit payment by the chuggers that are outside the supermarket or in the street.  I have written a previous blog about this, feel free to have a read, it is totally worth it.

Basically people sign up to a regular monthly donation of between $40 and $80, sometimes even more.

The girls and I decided every time we went down the beach we will take a $4 rubbish bag, that will be our donation, we will pick up all the plastic we can off our beach and just suck up the cost ourselves.  It didn't take long before we filled up our first blue bag (less than half an hour and a great walk)

It is good exercise and we know that every dollar we spend goes directly to our cause.  Not to some huge "charity" with a huge amount of administration costs, but we are really doing something.  Great learning for children, they kept on commenting that they were never going to throw any rubbish anywhere but in the bin.  It became a competitive exercise and great fresh air for all of us as well.

The message here is, it is ok financially to invest in causes that you believe in, but please make sure the donation is going to the actual cause, not tied up in commission payments and huge administration fees.  Sometimes keeping it sensible and simple is the best way.  Good luck out there with your donations, make sure you can afford them, and make sure they are really doing the good they were intended to do.

Thanks for reading my little blog, if you enjoyed it feel free to share, comment, like, or follow, and thank you in advance for your feedback.


  1. That was a lovely read Sarah. I will do the same along the state highway. my contribution to the earth.


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