Appreciation of all we have, time alone with my thoughts


The beach after the hurricane with some child's small toy truck that was washed out to sea and back in, Appreciation that we are all safe

My favourite place, alone with my thoughts on the beach.  

This part of our beach is not so welcoming and/or hospitable, as many other beaches, it has lots of washed up forestry waste, sea creatures and quicksand everywhere.  This makes it my favourite place to walk.  I love it, no one anywhere for miles around, makes me truly appreciate what I have in my life.  I am blessed to have a husband who works on the beach so often drops me off in remote parts and I walk, trying to get fit, trying to find interesting things to photograph, but mostly being alone with my thoughts.  

In this fast paced world full of online "friends" and a ridiculous amount of media to keep us amused, there is very little time we spend alone, breathing the air, fresh air, deep into our lungs and letting our brains calm down for a moment.  People say they do not have time, but often spend hours on the internet or watching tv.  There is time for what we make time for, believe me, I have to take time. 

This little toy truck is a remnant of the cyclone and was washed away from some little person's home and ended up here, in front of me, reflecting in the wet sand.  It is amazing how well toys survive the ravages of nature, the same day I found a full size baby doll, reminded me of the scene from the original "Planet of the Apes" movie when they found the doll in the cave, hundreds of years later.  

As I said, lots of thoughts going through my mind as I walk, unaccompanied, no noise, just me and my thoughts, you should try it, amazingly therapeutic.  

This is just one of grannie Sarah's solutions to a full and happy life.


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