What is a sorry free zone? How often during the course of day do we say sorry? is it meaningful? Should we say it at all?

The first and only rule in my classes is "This is a sorry free zone". What does this mean? Surely we should be polite and apologise. I can hear you asking this to yourself. Let me explain. Firstly, understand this: the words that come out of my mouth are heard by those around me, but only after being sorted out through their individual filters, the only person who hears and listens to ALL I say is ME! My brain learns from my senses, one of the major senses is hearing. Thinking about this, every time I say I am sorry, I blame myself, and hear myself blaming myself, for something that, almost always, requires no blame to be placed. By saying sorry I am feeding my brain the idea that I am to blame, I will believe myself. For example, when I have a finance class, people often apologise for their debts. They often elaborate on how they got into debt and how sorry they are for all their wrong choices. The truth is...