What is interest? What is compounding interest? Do I need to understand what different types of interest are?

Compounding Interest can be crippling without you even knowing. When we purchase something, through hire purchase, interest free terms, even a mortgage, you need to understand the concept of compounding interest. If we purchase, for example, something worth $10,000. I like round figures in my examples so you will see a lot of these going forward, they allow my brain to keep up with the calculations 😂😂 The purchase is $10,000 and the interest rate is 10% (round figures of course, unlikely to be that low or that easy to calculate, the highest I have seen is 49% ) We determine from that, every year we will be charged 10% of $10,000. If you are not a maths person, I was always taught that if you replace the "of" with "multiply" you get the answer. 10% x $10,000 = $1,000 We often assume that means that we will pay $1,000 interest per year. If we even think about it at all. That is not the case, what happens is this, let's assume for this example, this is a fi...