What are the traps of interest free deals? My most effective lesson ever! How much can they really cost you? Are they too good to be true? Is mental health affected by these deals?

This is the most effective lesson I teach in my classes, please take the time to understand this as it is truly lifechanging. Is this really a good deal? How much will it really cost you? What is the catch? How much debt can you get into using these store cards. There are a lot of things that you need to consider. Many are in the fine print and many more not in the fine print but you are expected to know. You will know after you read today's blog that is for sure. Let's get straight to the point, surely its a great way to get something and not have to pay any interest or repayments, just have what you want? WRONG! so so so so so so so so WRONG! Let's imagine we go in and purchase a lounge suite and a TV, it costs us $10,000, I have told you before I like to work in round figures, it is much easier on my brain that is for sure. The calculations that follow will show you why that is important. I don't expect you to s...