
Showing posts with the label do I need a will

What happens if you are removed from the picture? Bank Accounts? Insurance? Kiwisaver? ACC? How do I know what to do?

Do you worry about what will happen if you are suddenly removed from the picture?  Remember my blog about making a will?  If you haven't read it them please read it prior to going through this one, here is the link.   We often think about lots of things to protect ourselves, should something awful happen.  Remember all of these things are easier for your whanau to get if you have a will!  This whole blog is dependent on the fact you have a will, so please get one. Enough about that, let's compare a few options: ACC If you die at work, or on the sports ground or from some form of accident.  ACC will pay.  ACC will pay up to 80% of your wages for up to 5 years to your family. You are automatically paying ACC levies so there is no need for opting in or out. ACC premiums change according to the type of work you do and the danger involved. If you sto...

Do you have a will? Do we need one? What if I have nothing? Why should I have a will? How does Kiwisaver relate to wills

  Do you have a will?  Should you have a will?  Why should I have a will when I own buggar all? These are great questions to ask yourself.  When I teach my classes, I ask people to stick up their hands if they have a will.  Very few of them have.  I get all sorts of justifications for this, mostly they believe they have nothing to leave anyone.  Some think they are young so it doesn't matter.  Others think they have no children so it is irrelevant.  I am here to tell you it is very relevant.  If this is the only post on my blog you read in full, my job here is done! This may sound like a morbid subject but it is quite the opposite.  People would like to think their families are looked after when we die.  They like to think there is enough money to pay for the funeral and sort out all the affairs.  Sometimes they have even gone to the extreme of taking out insurances to that effect, at great personal cost over their lives. ...