How can I pay no interest on my credit card? How can I make sure I can pay my credit card in full? How can I maximise my rewards points?

Are you scared of credit cards? Are you nervous you will end up with a massive debt if you get one? Are they truly the "root of all evil"? Let's have an open honest discussion about credit cards. Firstly this blog is for those of you that don't already have credit card debt. I have written a different blog for you if you already have debt on a credit card, here is the way out for you: Those of you who are thinking of getting a new credit card, please know I support you totally in this decision, in fact I recommend the use of credit cards. There are a few "absolutes" about having a new credit card that you need to understand 100% before you apply. a credit card is not a loan, this is not a way to borrow money to get something you cannot afford. a credit card should be used, wherever possible, instead of an eftpos card. apply for a credit ...